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Marketing Automation, Email Marketing, Customer Data Platform and Gamification

Use Yulsn Marketing Cloud as your primary platform or pick the components you need


Torben Rasmussen

CEO & Partner


More about the components in Yulsn Marketing Cloud

Below you can read more about all the components in Yulsn Marketing Cloud. Please contact us if you have any questions.

The creation of emails is very easy and intuitive. We set up the necessary templates for you with custom building blocks to match your design guide.

This way it is very easy - even for untrained editors - to create great looking emails without any errors. 

All styling is defined in the templates, so when you need to make style changes across a large number of automated emails, all changes made to a template automatically effects all the mails using the template.

Due to our custom made building blocks, we have unlimited flexibility to make "smart objects" using content from related data tables like products, orders, blog posts pictures etc.

We can even integrate with our own banner builder, so you can create images with text and other graphics in layers directly in the email builder.

The integrated banner builder can save a lot of time, especially if you have images with text in different languages.

Campaign emails, flow mails as well as transactional emails are all built in the same flexible and intuitive email builder.

Flows with automated messages via email, text or push and automated exchange of data between systems are core features in Yulsn Marketing Cloud.

We focus on the specific needs of our clients, and until now we have been able to meet all requirements regarding Marketing Automation.

We offer to help with all the technical details in setting up flows and integrations, so you can focus on business and communication. We can offer this service either as a "pay as you go" service or a service that is included in your subscription.

You can send SMS messages as manual campaigns or as automated messages from Yulsn Marketing Cloud.

You have all the tools from email marketing regarding segmentation and personalization available.

You can set up a specific short-url for tracking on your SMS-links, using your own domain or subdomain (like - just on a domain you control).

When you want to add merge fields like user id and phone number or tracking variables (like UTM codes etc.) to your SMS-links, we take all these and compress them into one short tracking code that is put after your own short-url.

This means that you can have full tracking and personalization in your SMS links, without paying a lot for extra characters, having long ugly looking links, or using an external service.

Push messages to your app users can be sent either directly from Yulsn Marketing Cloud or from any other app push solution via integration to Yulsn.

Integrationen can be made in the way you and your app developer prefer.

Push messages can be set up as manual campaigns or as automated triggers - and we can use any content that you can make available for Yulsn via feeds or other integrations.

Yulsn Marketing Cloud was originally built as a CDP. From 2012-2019 we added tools for Marketing Automation, Email Marketing, SMS, Push messages and Gamification.

But what defines a CDP today?

From our point of view a CDP must be able to:

  • Collect data from all points of contact
  • Create and merge profiles and save data in one place
  • Create meaningfull segments
  • Activate data and segments in tools to drive personalized communication and revenue.

You can do all that with Yulsn Marketing Cloud, and you can use Yulsn if you need to transform some of your data before sending data to other systems. 

Since we also have the tools for execution of communication via Email, SMS and Push messages, many of our clients can meet all their needs with Yulsn.

However there are also features you will find in some CDP's that we don't have in Yulsn:

  • Website analytics
  • AI based recommendation engine
  • Site search
  • Ready made connectors to many other systems.

You can integrate Yulsn Marketing Cloud with any other software, and you can pick the specific components from Yulsn you want to use.

So you can also use Yulsn together with another CDP tool, and in that case it is completely up to you if you want to let Yulsn hold the unifying ID of your profiles, our you will let another tool solve that.

With Yulsn Marketing Cloud you will only pay for the features you use!

Yulsn Marketing Cloud is not a CRM system in the traditional sense.

However for some organisations we have all the CRM features they need.

We can store all data about:

  • Individual contacts.
  • Companies / organisations.
  • Stores / departments / partners or other similar 

In the standard admin interface, we can give different admins in your organisation access to different parts of the system, and limit access to other parts of the system.

The admins with access can see and edit informations about contacts, companies, stores and everything else they have been allowed access to.

It is possible to set up systems for pipelines and lead scoring - but we don't have a standard interface for this.

It is possible to create custom data tables with records about contact history for contacts, companies, stores and other - but we don't have a standard interface for this.

So in other words:

  • We are able to store all data you would have in a CRM.
  • We are able to set up automated actions, communications and data transfers based on all data in the system.
  • We have some standard interfaces for CRM needs.
  • We do not have standard interfaces for the CRM needs of a typical B2B organisation with a large sales team. 

If you are a B2C organisation, there is a good chance that we can cover your CRM needs.

If you are a B2B organisation with a sales team, you will most likely need a real CRM solution - and then integrate that with Yulsn, and use Yulsn for Marketing Automation and Email Marketing.

In Yulsn Marketing Cloud you can build dynamic segments / audiences based on all data available. And there are no limitis to the type of data you can transfer to Yulsn.

That means you are NOT limited to predefined segments.

In our visual segment builder you can build the most relevant segments, and if more is needed, then there is an advanced SQL-version where there are no limits to what you can build.

Yulsn Marketing Cloud is built to handle all types of loyalty programs.

We have a very flexible point system, where you can set up different types and subtypes of points.

  • You decide the value and the name of the points you want to use.
  • You decide how your customers can earn and use points.
  • You set up excactly the automated communication you want - via email, SMS or push messages.
  • You can build your loyalty program pages directly in your own website or mobile app (using our API) or we can build the necessary pages for you.
  • You can set your general e-commerce site up to use the loyalty points as an extra currency or you can set up a specific "point shop" where the members can buy products with their loyalty points (using our API).

It requires some work to set everything up as you want, but it makes it possible to create a program that makes you stand out from the competition.

We have many years experience with loyalty programs, and are happy to help you make the best possible program for your business.

Lead Scoring can be used both in B2B and B2C, and can be set up either via our flexible points system or with custom data tables:

  • You can set up exactly the score model you prefer.
  • You can give scores for any action that can be transferrred to Yulsn.
  • You can define scoring based on segments or data based rules.
  • You can set up automated communication based on your score model.
  • You can use your score model for segmentation in campaign messages.

So like most other things in Yulsn Marketing Cloud: You are not limited to predefined templates or solutions, so you can do what is relevant for your organisation.

If you don't know what is best for your organisation, we are always ready to help.

You can create an unlimited number of custom tables, with the fields and content types you need.

This feature gives a lot of possibilities:

  • Data from outside of Yulsn can easily be transferred to any custom table with our easy-to-use feed sync.
  • You can share data from your custom tables and from system tables with any other system.
  • You can use data and content from your custom tables in all messaging - campaigns and transactional.
  • You can set up relations between your custom tables and between custom tables and system tables.
  • We can help you set up rules for merging and transforming data from one or more tables into other tables.
  • There is a simple standard interface for viewing and editing content manually in the custom tables.
  • We can build custom interfaces directly in our standard interface, based on your custom tables.
  • All custom tables are available via our REST API.

In other words you can build your own relational database with custom tables, and are able to use all content in your communication.

As always we are ready to help you take advantage of these possibilities.

With our banner builder you can build dynamic graphic elements which can be used for emails, websites, apps and advertising.

There are many use cases - f.ex.:

  • Images and graphics with text on top for emails.
  • Product recommendations in emails.
  • Dynamic product ads based on data from your feeds, with styling that matches your style guide.
  • Website banners.

When you are using Yulsn Marketing Cloud for your emails, we can integrate the banner builder directly in our email builder. This way you can make layer based graphics directly in your emails.

When you want to include banners from Yulsn Marketing Cloud in other systems, you can manually insert the banner-url's from Yulsn, or we can help to make more dynamic integrations.

We help you to set up the necessary banner templates to use with your dynamic data or for manual banners.

You can use all the custom fonts and graphics you want.

With the built-in consent management system in Yulsn Marketing Cloud, your are ready to comply fully to GDPR - and to meet the needs for flexibility required by marketing and sales.

  • Define and lock different variations of you consent text, so it matches precisely the specific purpose (newsletters, loyalty programs, games and competitions etc.).
  • Use same text across multiple different sources or different texts for different sources.
  • Upload additional documentation (screenshots, documents etc.).
  • Use webhooks for easy integration with pop-up tools, survey tools or 3rd party lead providers.
  • Allow manual data imports with full documentation.
  • Fully automated processes for deletion or anonymization.
  • Built in statistics or custom Power BI dashboards with reporting.

We integrate with any other solution, and help you define and set-up the right solution for your organisation.

You can work with gamification directly in Yulsn Marketing Cloud or via our Yulsn Games add-on.

We specialize in solutions for lead generation, lead nurturing and engagement with existing leads and customers.

We have a number of standard solutions like quizzes, advent calendars, spin to win, roll a dice and others alike.

What makes Yulsn Gamification stand out from other gamification solutions is our ability to:

  • Make customized solutions that makes you stand out from your competitors.
  • Set up campaigns that runs over time, ensuring high engagement via automated reminders through email, SMS or app push.
  • Create fully omnichannel campaigns with a highly personalized experience.
  • Help you take the right decisions, so your campaigns create extraordinary results.

Furthermore we:

  • Offer robust integrations to your other systems - also if you are not using Yulsn Marketing Cloud.
  • Are able to handle a very large number of participants in your campaigns efficiently.
  • Have excellent systems for, and many years of experience in, how to prevent fraud.
  • Have an extremely flexible set-up for winner drawing, prize administration and recycling of prizes.
  • Offer to do all the technical set-up, so you can focus on the content and other things that makes a difference for your business.

We have built-in solutions for landing pages and pop-ups.

Our solutions do not have the feature rich interface you will see in dedicated solutions.

The strong side of our built-in solutions is that we have direct access to all data about contacts and content transferred to Yulsn.

This means that we can build intelligent and automated solutions that is not possible to build in external dedicated solutions.

Our landing pages are primarely for:

  • Lead generation forms
  • Unsubscribe pages
  • Profile pages

We can of course integrate with any external landing page solution, CMS or survey tool!

Our pop-up solution are strong if you:

  • Need multistep pop-ups, where some steps needs to be based on information either from the database or from previous steps.
  • Want to make pop-ups where the content is automated based on knowledge from the database.
  • Only have a few different pop-up types, so you don't need a drag-and-drop editor for the templates / designs.

Furthermore it is a strong side for both our solutions that they are included in our subscription - since landing page and pop-up tools can be expensive, especially if you have a lot of traffic.

We have a built-in solution for short url's with auto generated QR codes that you can set up with your own domain.

The solution include:

  • Tracking of clicks.
  • Easy editing of destinations - so you can use same links over time, and not risk to have outdated links on printed materials etc.
  • Use with dynamic variables that is transferred to your destination pages, if you want to send personalized links en printed letters or sms / email from other systems than Yulsn.

There are many use cases for the solution - f.ex. for Social Media bio-links, QR codes on packaging, brochures, printed letters or post cards.

We have the built-in statistics and reporting you expect from a modern email marketing and marketing automation solution.

But as a unique feature you can have custom built Power BI reporting directly in Yulsn Marketing Cloud.

This means that we can make excactly the reporting needed for your business without the need for exporting data to external solutions or keeping your own reports in Excel.

If you prefer to do all your Business Intelligence in other solutions, we can also transfer the data you need to any other BI solution.

We can even transform the data before sending it if necessary!

So whatever your reporting need is - we can offer a fully automated solution for you.

The standard interface in Yulsn Marketing Cloud have some excellent features for customer service - especially if you have a loyalty program, and need to handle requests regarding points and sent emails etc.

Furthermore we have the possibility to build custom solutions directly into the interface, and restrict access to other features.

This means that we can make a solution that is very efficient for your customer service to work with.

If you are using another customer service tool, we can integrate with any other solution, in exactly the way that makes sense for your organisation.

We don't have a chat and ticketing-system, so for that type of customer service you do need another solution.

We offer integration to any other system, and we have many years experience in making robust integrations to systems like SAP, Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamcis, Episerver, Sitecore, Umbraco, Magento, WooCommerce, Prestashop as well as many smaller systems for pop-ups, surveys or other e-commerce, CMS and CRM.

We do all integrations as custom integrations, and our strong side is that our flexible system combined with many years experience makes it possible for us to offer integrations that can be done with a much smaller effort on our customers side than we normally see with other robust custom integrations.

We have an open REST API, which makes it possible for our clients and their partners to make all integrations them selfes - however:

In most cases our customers prefer one or more of the much easier solutions we offer:

  • Feed syncs makes it very easy to keep data in Yulsn synced with data from any other system that can be exposed as XML, JSON or CSV.
  • Webhooks makes it easy to send data to Yulsn - or Yulsn can send data via webhooks to any other system, in precisely the format needed in the specific system.
  • Converters are Yulsn own advanced webhooks, where we can set up transformation of the data sent to Yulsn before we save it. Converters can also be used to distribute data from Yulsn to other systems.
  • Custom APIs. We have great experience with making dedicated custom APIs for our customers. With a custom API we can make it very easy for the developers on our customers side to make the integration they need, because we can make specialized functions that combines different standard API functions.

We have many clients with a very complex system architecture, and we are often able to set up integrations and automated processes that our customers never have been able to do before.

Helle Skou Nørby, Small Danish Hotels

Small Danish Hotels have been working with Yulsn since 2012. In 2016 we chose Yulsn Marketing Cloud as our main platform for our Loyalty Program (Benefits) as well as all Marketing Automation, Email Marketing and gamification activities.

We use Yulsn as our Customer Data Platform and content hub so it integrates with all our customer facing systems.

We also have integration from all the systems used by the individual hotels, in order to assign loyalty points automatically, and communicate with the guests before and after their stays.

Kristian Gren, Director of Marketing and Business Development, Middelfart Sparekasse

Middelfart Sparekasse have been working with the team at Yulsn since 2010.

In 2018 we started using Yulsn Marketing Cloud for Email Marketing, Marketing Automation and Gamification in order to get a better integration to our other systems and to automate more processes.

We are very pleased with the technical solutions as well as the great flexibility and competent support, service and feedback we get from the team at Yulsn.

Freeqently asked questions about Yulsn Marketing Cloud

Below you can see freequently asked questions and our answers. Please contact us if you have any questions.

We offer integration to any other system, and we have many years experience in making robust integrations to systems like SAP, Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamcis, Episerver, Sitecore, Umbraco, Magento, WooCommerce, Prestashop as well as many smaller systems for pop-ups, surveys or other e-commerce, CMS and CRM.

We do all integrations as custom integrations, and our strong side is that our flexible system combined with many years experience makes it possible for us to offer integrations that can be done with a much smaller effort on our customers side than we normally see with other robust custom integrations.

We have an open REST API, which makes it possible for our clients and their partners to make all integrations them selfes - however:

In most cases our customers prefer one or more of the much easier solutions we offer:

  • Feed syncs makes it very easy to keep data in Yulsn synced with data from any other system that can be exposed as XML, JSON or CSV.
  • Webhooks makes it easy to send data to Yulsn - or Yulsn can send data via webhooks to any other system, in precisely the format needed in the specific system.
  • Converters are Yulsn own advanced webhooks, where we can set up transformation of the data sent to Yulsn before we save it. Converters can also be used to distribute data from Yulsn to other systems.
  • Custom APIs. We have great experience with making dedicated custom APIs for our customers. With a custom API we can make it very easy for the developers on our customers side to make the integration they need, because we can make specialized functions that combines different standard API functions.

We have many clients with a very complex system architecture, and we are often able to set up integrations and automated processes that our customers never have been able to do before.

Yulsn is data processor on behalf of our clients, and we offer a standard Data Processing Agreement based on the standard from the Danish Authorities (Datatilsynet) that is fully compliant with GDPR.

We make individual signed agreements with all clients, so the instructions and purpose can match the specific needs from each of our clients.

We have the following sub processors in our agreement:

  • Microsoft Ireland (Azure and Ofice 365 with data centers in Ireland and Holland).
  • Exoscale (Switzerland)
  • Scaleway (France)
  • Mentor IT (Denmark)
  • Inmobile (Denmark)

Each year we perform an external audit of our IT Security and security measures accordingly to the GDPR.

Please contact Torben Rasmussen at if you have questions, or would like a copy of the latest audit report, or see our standard Data Processing Agreement.

Each of our clients have 100% ownership of all data collected in their account in Yulsn.

Yulsn are can't use your company's data for anything but the data processing descriped in the individual Data Processing Agreement between your company and Yulsn.

You can export your data directly from the Yulsn interface anytime you want.

At Yulsn we offer each of our clients a dedicated database in our Azure Cloud. This makes it possible for us to make an complete export of the full database with your company's data.

This export will give you not only the normal data you can export from the interface, but will give you all tables in the database with all relations included.

Everything in the set-up of Yulsn Marketing Cloud is configured specifically to your company.

  • We will provide a detailed plan for the migration as part of our contract with you.
  • Our staff will take care of the configuration and migration of your existing data to Yulsn Marketing Cloud.
  • We will set up all necessary templates,so they are ready to use.
  • We can also set up all your existing mails, flows and text messages for you.
  • We will train your staff in the use of Yulsn Marketing Cloud, and provide extended service and support in the migration and start-up phase.

When we agree that we can meet the needs of your company, we offer to make the basic account configuration and migration free of charge.

We will make a specific offer for any migration tasks that will not be covered by the free migration.

The changes on your own website, e-commerce platform, app, CRM or other systems you need to integrate with Yulsn must be done by your own developers, at your own cost. But we will assist your developers and will make it easy for them to make the necessary integrations without having to learn everything about Yulsn Marketing Cloud.

We also recommend that you in cooporation with us will make a plan and a budget for how you want to take advantage of the many new possibilities you will have after moving to Yulsn. However this is of course up to you.

Yes, we offer a Service Level Agreement which guaranties 99,9% uptime, and gives you access to a highly qualified and personal service.

We are a small organisation with relatively few customers, so you will always have direct access to our experienced staff at the office in Aarhus, Denmark.

Book a demo of Yulsn Marketing Cloud

Let us give you a short presentation of the many possibilities with Yulsn Marketing Cloud - and how we can help you fulfill your ambitions within your budget.

Some of our customers

Some of our customers